A 4 1/2 long Mini-Series about a pair of teenagers living in sort of a slum at the fringes of Berlin. Alcoholism, prostitution, violence are just a few of the themes of the three movies, which also work separately. With all the depressing stuff in it, "Die große Flatter" strangely is one of the most entertaining German TV-productions of the seventies. Great performances from the two lead actors, but especially by Gunther Lamprecht, one of Germanys most underrated and best actors. Some will remember him from Fassbinders masterpiece "Berlin Alexanderplatz" which was shot around the same time. Also very interesting is the script, which is based on a young adult novel and takes no prisoners when it comes to language or onscreen violence, but is full of love for it´s characters at the same time. No good guy-bad guy stuff here, just living and breathing characters with all the ups and (admittedly more) downs of the real life.
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