SuperBrawl IV took place on February 20, 1994 from the Albany Civic Center in Albany, Georgia. This event, along with SuperBrawl Revenge, was one of only two SuperBrawls never released on home video. The main event was Ric Flair defending the WCW World Heavyweight Championship in a rematch match against Vader. The second main event was a Thundercage match between the team of Steve Austin, Rick Rude, and Paul Orndorff against the team of Sting, Brian Pillman, and Dustin Rhodes. The Nasty Boys defended the WCW World Tag Team Championships against Cactus Jack & Maxx Payne and Lord Steven Regal defended the WCW World TV Championship against Arn Anderson. Undercard matches included Johnny B. Badd vs Jimmy Garvin, Terry Taylor vs Diamond Dallas Page, Jim Steele vs The Equalizer, and Harlem Heat vs Thunder & Lightning.