A sin-tillating SOLO selection of ’60s, early ’70s beautiful beaver-bearers!... A pretty, zaftig brunette smiles and spreads on a spread in bed... A tanline bosomy brunette goes all out... A laughing, lovely brunette in a silk jacket and dark jeans looks at hunks in a mag, tugging down her trousers to twiddle her honey pie, and suck on a banana. In b&w footage, a very pretty dark blonde undoes her bra to reveal perfectly formed breasts... Then back to COLOR for a black-haired, pouty, pretty, breasty babe with a thick black bush... And a kinda cute bouffant blonde in fringed flapperish attire spilling her C-cups and sharing her furry triangle. Later, more color as a bosomy, pretty, pouty brunette lounges amid orange pillows that match her panties... A bouffant dark blonde with cat-eye make-up wiggles in her lacy bikini lingerie before unveiling jiggling mounds and a trimmed mons... A sleepy, tousled, young brunette caresses her cuddly curves and pokes her petals...