Nebuchadnezzar orders that all Hebrew boys be brought to his palace in Babylon. Daniel, along with Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, are captured and taken to the palace. They are to be trained alongside Babylonian boys to become wise men and are given Babylonian names. David demands that the Israelites be given their own food, and they become much healthier than their Babylonian counterparts. God gives Daniel and his friends great wisdom. To Daniel, God gives the special power to interpret dreams. The King has frightening dream and when Daniel interprets the dream, the King makes Daniel and the Hebrews his closest advisors. The King has a magnificent golden statue built and demands that all worship the idol. When Daniel's three friends refuse, Nebuchadenzzar has them thrown into a fiery oven. An angel of God appears and protects them in the furnace. Time passes. Daniel becomes the closest advisor to Darius, the new king...